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Silver cross with the faces of saints without a crucifix

Silver cross with the faces of saints without a crucifix

Art. 131116QX
Total votes: 1
213 $
Wholesale discount:
From 2: -5%
From 3: -8%
From 5: -15%
Current wholesale:
Weight: 30 (± 2) g
Width: 3 cm
Length: 6 cm
Coverage: Blackening
Material: Sterling Silver
Опт.: from 2 items
Eyelet: Standard
  • You can choose coverage, eyelet.
  • Additional wishes you can specify in the comments when placing an order.
  • In some models of suspensions it is not possible to expand the eyelet to the required size, in which case our managers will contact You.
  • Any pendant can be supplemented with an eyelet of the desired size with an adapter ring for any chain.
Checkout (reference)
If You have any questions about ordering or any other difficulties, we are always happy to help You. You can always contact any of our contacts.
Prompt response time Monday - Saturday (С 09:00 до 19:00 in Kiev), the rest of the time responses may be delayed.

Now we have (look)
Payment methods (reference)
Different payment methods are possible on our website:
  • Online payment LiqPay
  • Transfers to a bank card
  • Money transfers to full name
  • Paypal payment
  • Payment in USDT, DAI (BEP20, TRC20, Poligon)
If You are not a resident of Ukraine, then we can also start working without prepayment/payment after You place an order. Upon completion of production, we will send You a photo of finished products, after which You can already pay. (Only up to 395 $)
You can familiarize Yourself with payment methods in more detail HERE.
Delivery to Petrozavodsk usually takes 14-17 days.
We can make this product of gold.
Thorough study of the smallest details.

Length: 4.5 cm
Length with eyelet: 6 cm

Attention! The price of this cross is indicated without a chain. The entire set, chain 150 grams and cross, can be viewed at the link: /en/-M5N91b.

The photo shows a silver cross without a crucifix with the faces of saints. It can be ordered in almost any size; for clarification, please contact any of our contacts. The eyelet can also be made to fit a chain of any size.

This cross has an unusual shape, which gives it special attractiveness and originality. Made from 925 sterling silver with blackening, this cross is an ideal choice for those who appreciate beauty and spirituality.

On the front side of the cross are depicted: Archangel Michael on top, Jesus Christ in the center, Virgin Mary on the left, Nicholas the Wonderworker on the right, Archangel Gabriel on the bottom and at the very bottom the apostles Peter and John.

On the back side: John the Baptist on the left, Guardian Angel on top, Burning Bush in the center, Prince of Chernigov on the right, John the Baptist below and Nicholas the Wonderworker at the very bottom.

A dove is depicted on the ear, as a symbol of the Holy Spirit in Christianity. And on the rim there is the inscription “God alone is powerful and just”.

Each face is made with great care and attention to detail. Their images convey their holiness and grace, each face has its own unique history and symbolism, which makes this cross even more interesting and meaningful.

A silver cross with the faces of saints without a crucifix is a wonderful gift for your loved ones and friends. It will be a symbol of faith and protection, as well as a reminder of spirituality and grace.

This is a universal decoration that is suitable for both everyday use and special events. Don't miss the opportunity to purchase this silver cross. It will become not only a wonderful decoration, but also a symbol of your faith and spirituality.
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